
Woking Crematorium


Having a memorial at the crematorium is a chance to honour your loved one in a way that's very personal to you and your family. A memorial can be decided upon at any time so it allows you to take a little more time to plan, which is often easier once the funeral is over. When you've experienced a loss, your grief needs to be expressed in a way that's right for you and to be able to visit a personal memorial and spend a quiet time in thought, can be a great comfort to family and friends.

We've many options for different memorials at Woking and we'd be happy to talk about these with you at any time. You're welcome to visit during the hours when the crematorium is open, but please note the Memorial Garden is closed to visitors after dark during the winter months.

Making your choice of memorial

We're pleased to offer a broad range of memorials at Woking and would be delighted to discuss these in detail with you. In our gardens, we offer a selection of ornamental trees, shrubs, and roses that provide a beautiful and serene tribute to your loved ones. Each plant is chosen for its enduring beauty and symbolism, creating a peaceful landscape for reflection and remembrance.

We also offer boulders, granite sanctums, vaults and garden benches. One popular memorial is our Tree of Life memorial leaf, which offers a beautiful and enduring way to honour the memory of a loved one. Each engraved leaf symbolizes the continuation of life and growth, representing how the spirit of those we cherish lives on in our hearts and in the world around us.

Finally, an entry into our Book of Remembrance is also a heartfelt way to remember your loved one.

You can find more information on our Memorial Gardens, Chapel of Memory/Book of Remembrance and Columbaria pages. Don't hesitate to contact our Memorial Advisor to chat further about the options available to you.

Paying for a memorial

To help with your budgeting, we are proud to be partnered with Funeral Safe; a specialist credit company, supporting funeral and memorial purchases with finance options from 1 - 5 years to suit your needs. They are fully FCA regulated and this can be used for part or all of your purchase.

How do I check if its for me?

Please feel free to speak to our staff for more detailed information by telephoning or visiting the crematorium. There is also an Eligibility Check button below which will take you to the Funeral Safe website to allow you to consider affordability. It only takes a few seconds to check and you may wish to do this before you speak to our staff or alternatively we will be happy to do this with you when you visit the crematorium.

Note: The eligibility check does not affect your credit score.

Click here to find out more: funeralsafe.co.uk

Woking Crematorium
Woking Crematorium